Digital Divide and Education in Türkiye's Digitalization Process

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  • Duygu SOLAK BERİGEL Trabzon Üniversitesi



Digital divide, digitization, education


The aim of this article is to analyze the decisive effects of the digital divide in Türkiye, taking into account the levels of internet use, and to discuss its effects on digitalization from the perspective of education. In the study, the data obtained from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) and the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) were used with the secondary data analysis method and interpreted with the support of the literature. In the research, internet usage rates, digital divide and education levels were compared with the European Union average and other European Union countries. According to the data of the European Statistical Office, it is seen that the average internet usage in Türkiye is below the average of the European Union and is at the lowest level together with less developed countries such as Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. When the average values ​​of individuals with secondary and advanced education in internet use are taken, the situation changes and Türkiye catches the European Union average. The results of the research show that education is one of the most important factors in reducing the digital divide, inequality in access and disadvantaged groups, and that women with low education levels are the most disadvantaged group in Türkiye in the digital divide and accordingly digitalization processes. Education is one of the most important factors in preventing digital divide, so that all segments, regardless of gender differences in society, can participate in digital transformation processes and adopt digital culture, make the most of digital opportunities and contribute to personal, social, economic. However, education should be one of the areas that should be focused primarily on preventing digital divide and digitalization.


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URL 1- (Erişim tarihi 04.12.2022).



How to Cite

SOLAK BERİGEL, D. (2022). Digital Divide and Education in Türkiye’s Digitalization Process. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 34–40.