Administration of School, Environment and Parent Relations

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Environment, family, school, management


The school, as a part of the environment, is an institution that exists for society and the environment. The relations of schools with the environment and parent are becoming increasingly important. Since the current education systems of countries will affect the future of the country in the fields of industry, technology, science, agriculture, health, etc., all institutions, organizations and sectors of the country can be considered as the environment of the school. For a qualified school, environment and parent co-operation, both the parent and the school should know their roles and responsibilities. For a qualified co-operation, families and schools have separate responsibilities, families and schools have common responsibilities, families and schools have sequential responsibilities. It is necessary to ensure a strong home-school co-operation and parent involvement in achieving the goals of education and training. When the task of parental involvement at home is fulfilled, parental involvement in the supportive educational process at home helps teachers to facilitate the process more efficiently. When parental involvement in the school is ensured, parents will have a desire to continue to be involved and a sense of ownership of the school. The school principal has different roles and responsibilities for school-environment relations.  These roles and responsibilities start with pioneering parent-teacher-environment relations. In a quality education process, schools should have educators who are socially just, inclined to build relationships as part of democratic schools and value dialogue and power sharing. Alliances based on mutual respect should be formed between families and community groups.  Parent involvement is an important element for the quality education of children.  Both the teacher and the parent have different roles, duties and responsibilities in quality school and parent co-operation. This process will provide many advantages when it is carried out in co-operation and mutually. Qualified and effective school-parent cooperation increases the student's attitude, behavior and mental development, skills and success. In addition, an effective cooperation will improve teacher-parent relations, create a sharing and decision-making climate in the school, increase the job satisfaction of the teacher, ensure the voluntary and active participation of parents in the activities of the school, parents will feel positive feelings towards the school and increase their interest in school and education.


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How to Cite

Öğdem, Z., Sönmez, E., Ülker, O., Demirbağ, F., & Söylemez, M. (2024). Administration of School, Environment and Parent Relations. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 27–37.