The Prediction Of Teachers' Attitudes Towards Supervision On The Professional Development Self- Efficacy
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Attitude towards supervision, Professional development, teacher, self – efficacyAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the prediction of teachers' views on supervision processes on their perceptions of professional development self-efficacy. The study addresses how the positive change in attitudes towards supervision shapes teachers' beliefs and motivations regarding their professional development. It is anticipated that teachers' perception of supervision processes as supportive and development-promoting may positively influence their determination to increase their professional competence. In this context, the effects of supervision experiences on teachers' individual and professional perceptions have been evaluated comprehensively. The quantitative study, designed as a descriptive-correlational survey model, was conducted with 428 teachers selected through the convenience sampling method from primary, secondary, and high school levels in the Şehitkâmil district of Gaziantep during the 2023-2024 academic year. SPSS 26.0 statistical software was used for data analysis; frequencies, mean values, and standard deviations of the data were calculated. The research data were obtained using the "Attitude Scale towards Supervision" and the "Teacher Professional Development Self-Efficacy Scale." The relationship between variables was examined using Pearson Correlation Analysis, and the predictability of the variables was determined using Simple Regression Analysis. The results of the study indicate a positive significant relationship between teachers' attitudes towards supervision and their professional development self-efficacy, and that teachers' attitudes towards supervision are predictors of their professional development self-efficacy.
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