Reverse Mobbing Acts Subjected by School Principals
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Reverse mobbing, mobbing, school principal, descriptive phenomenologyAbstract
Mobbing is not a phenomenon applied only to subordinates by superiors as it first comes to mind. It is possible that mobbing behaviors tend to be directed from every status and position to every status and position. In this study, this study examined mobbing behaviors from personnels towards school principals in state education institutions. In the study, it is aimed to reveal what the reverse mobbing practices that school principals are exposed to in educational institutions and their effects on school principals, and to reveal why and by whom it is carried out. In addition, solution suggestions for this problem were determined by the school principals who were exposed to reverse mobbing in this study. The study was carried out in the descriptive phenomenology design, which is one of the qualitative research designs. The study group, consisting of ten people, was selected from among the school principals working in different schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education and having experience of reverse mobbing with criteria, maximum diversity and snowball sampling types from purposeful sampling types. Semi-structured interview technique was used as a data collection tool. The research findings were presented and interpreted as “code”, “sub-theme” and “main theme”. In the study, the school principals were disobedient, devalued, discredited by assistant principals, teachers, and permanent assistant staff. It was concluded that they were exposed to reverse mobbing in the form of actions related to psychological violence such as gossiping, discrimination, harming the institution. This situation manifests itself in school principals with negative psychological, social, physiological, and occupational effects. Solution proposals were determined as keeping the information on the legislation up-to-date and applying the legislation correctly, improving professional competencies and personal characteristics constantly, and displaying leadership qualities.
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