The Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Field of Educational Admistration
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Educational administration, theory and practice, paradigmatic transformation, Western and European centrismAbstract
The purpose of this study is to discuss the gap between theory and practice in the field of educational administration, within the context of boundaries, research traditions, originality and reserah agenda and within the frame of structures that are assumed to be related them. Within the study, how this gap is formed is adressed by considering the current situation of the field, and evidence for the validity of the basic assumptions made by the researcher is sought. This study was designed as a case study model, which is based on the paradigm of qualitative researh. Within the scope of the researh, the data obtained through semi-structured interview technique with 11 academicians of different titles working in the field of educatioal administration and 9 school administrators with a potguraduate in educational administration were compared with the analytical inductive method by comparing the policy texts. According to the findings obtained from the research, Western-based and European centrist theories, paradigms and approaches in the field of education administration determine the agenda of the field, and the research is insufficient to produce the meaningful results that the practitioners and the local need. In the researches, fashion issues are studied, neo-liberal discourse is in a dominant position, and it is understood that practitioners are reluctant to follow the information produced in the field
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