Novel Perspectives for Classroom Management Course in Teacher Training Programs

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Classroom management, new searches, teacher training


The inclusion of the classroom management course in teacher training programs has been an important development since 1998. It is a fact that the classroom management course offered in its current form in teacher training programs, nationally and in many international institutions, is far from the capacity to train teachers who can meet the needs of the day. However, it cannot be claimed that the current classroom management course is unnecessary. According to the study, it has been observed that the self-efficacy perceptions of teachers who take classroom management courses and those who do not take classroom management courses differ significantly. The current classroom management literature mostly addresses the subject as general information and is far from providing field-specific classroom management skills and competencies. In order to provide quality education services in our schools and classrooms, arrangements should be made to ensure the development of teachers and teacher candidates in the field of classroom management. It is considered necessary to rearrange teacher training courses, especially in faculties of education, in order to train teacher candidates in general and field-specific classroom management. The field-specific literature on classroom management is not of a quantity and quality that will allow the creation of a scientific infrastructure that can meet the needs of the day. It is important for field expert researchers to conduct studies on classroom management activities specific to their fields.


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How to Cite

Işık, H., & UÇAR, R. (2024). Novel Perspectives for Classroom Management Course in Teacher Training Programs. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 163–170.