A Qualitative Study on the Society’s Interest in Education and Graduate Unemployment

Interest in education, society’s interest in education, graduate unemployment, education policyAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between the interest of society in education and the unemployment of university graduates, including an investigation of the underlying causes and effects, as perceived by academics. The research was designed in accordance with the case study design, which represents one of the qualitative research approaches. The data were collected using semi-structured interview questions, which were developed by researchers. The study's participants were selected using the purposeful sampling method and consisted of 40 academics. Content analysis was performed in the analysis of the data. According to the academics, it was concluded that the interest of the Turkish society in education is mostly low, and the interest in education is evaluated as stilted and unconscious. It was concluded that the main reasons underlying the disinterest of society in education are economic reasons, devaluation of knowledge and low trust in education. According to the academics, the effects of the society's lack of interest in education on the society were determined as social, economic, educational, cultural and environmental problems. It was concluded that increasing the society's interest in education is not seen as a solution to university graduate unemployment. Instead, the importance of conscious interest in education and the significance of policy and planning in relation to education and employment were emphasized as potential avenues for reducing unemployment.
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