The Importance of Practical Wisdom in the Teaching Profession

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Practical wisdom, Virtue, Moral, Teaching, Aristotle


This study aims to reveal the importance of practical wisdom in the teaching profession. Teaching is a special profession that takes on the state's education, training, and related management duties. Teaching aims to bring individuals to the best maturity in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, which requires blending knowledge and practice. At this juncture, the concept of practical wisdom assumes greater prominence. The concept of virtue forms the basis of practical wisdom. The concept of virtue forms the basis of practical wisdom. In Aristotle's moral philosophy, virtue is the most appropriate response that a person can give to the circumstances he encounters. Virtue involves feeling, not just acting. There is a deep connection between virtue and wisdom. Wisdom, which Aristotle expresses as the virtue of thought is the combination of science and thinking ability. Aristotle identifies "theoretical wisdom," which is related to thought, with contemplation. “Practical wisdom” is associated with practicing what is known. In order to better understand practical wisdom, which is expressed as thinking to take correct action in the moral field, it is necessary to understand the six main features of the said concept. According to the six main features, “knowledge” is very important for the wise person; the wise know the right goals and can provide balance. A wise person can make correct judgments appropriate to the circumstances. At the same time, the wise person has a balanced empathy ability. He or she can make his or her emotions companions with his or her mind; feelings are strong. The wise person is experienced because experience is important for practical wisdom that relates to changing situations. The concept of practical wisdom is needed in education since education should not only be limited to the cognitive dimension but also the affective dimension should be highlighted. From this point of view, it is necessary to point out that teachers are not just authorities that carry out educational tasks. Therefore, the importance of making efforts to develop practical wisdom in teachers draws attention.


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How to Cite

Yüceldi, F. M., & Taş, İlkay D. (2024). The Importance of Practical Wisdom in the Teaching Profession. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 113–121.