Inspiration for the Ombudsman Institution on the Basis of Social Conflicts Historical Development of Hispe Organisation

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  • Selman Şişman KTO Karatay Üniversitesi, Konya, Türkiye



Conflict, Hispe Organisation, Ombudsman, Audit


Throughout history, various strategies and practices have been developed to manage and resolve conflicts between the administration and the governed. Today, there is a growing interest in alternative institutions to resolve conflicts between individuals and public institutions. One of the institutions serving in this direction is the Ombudsman's Office or Ombudsman in Turkey. The Ombudsman Institution was established in Turkey on 14 June 2012 by Law No. 6328. In 2013, it actually started to operate. When the date of establishment of the institution in Turkey is compared with the date of establishment of modern Ombudsman Offices in the world, it is possible to say that we are behind. However, we can find the institutionalised form of the practices that are claimed to inspire the Ombudsman in our own culture, the Ottoman Empire. The most prominent of these practices is the Hispe Organisation, which started to be implemented in the Prophet's era and served with similar job descriptions in the Turkish-Islamic Geography until the Ottoman Empire. As there were auditors in the Ombudsman, there were muhtesip in the Hispe Organisation. These muhtesip paid attention to the principles of equity, justice and compliance with the rules of law while fulfilling their duties. In today's Turkey, the fact that the ombudsmen working within the Ombudsman's Organisation also carry out the on-site inspection in line with both the principle of compliance with the law and the principle of equity is seen as a plus in terms of protecting the rights of citizens. In this respect, it can be said that the implementation of the Hispe Organisation has similarities with the Ombudsman practices in our country and around the world today. However, it would be appropriate to examine in depth the institution of Hispe Organisation, which we consider important in terms of having the potential to guide the Ombudsman with its successful practices.


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How to Cite

Şişman, S. (2024). Inspiration for the Ombudsman Institution on the Basis of Social Conflicts Historical Development of Hispe Organisation. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 82–94.