Teachers' Opinions on Guidance and Supervision Activities
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Supervision, guidance, inspectorAbstract
Supervision is a guidance process that is carried out to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of educational processes and prioritizes the development of educators. The aim of this research is to determine opinions of teachers about the procedures and principles determined for the guidance and supervision activities of education inspectors and assistant educational inspectors. In this context, the duties and powers of inspectors and the opinions of teachers about the principles determined for the inspection of public and private educational institutions and course supervision are presented. In the study, case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data were obtained from a total of 54 teachers working at different educational levels in different branches in a provincial center in the Eastern Anatolia region in the 2022-2023 academic year. The teachers interviewed on the subject took part in the research on a voluntary basis. The data collection tool is a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. The interview form was prepared based on the principles determined by the Ministry of National Education for inspection practice. The semi-structured interview form prepared in this direction was given its final form by taking the opinions of teachers and experts before the application. The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted with the help of content analysis. In the light of the deciphered findings, it was seen that the teachers found the principles of inspection practices appropriate. According to the results of the research, approximately one-third of the teachers have negative opinions about the supervision of teachers by inspectors. On the other hand, the majority of teachers made statements supporting the inspection practices regarding institutional inspections. In addition, within the scope of the study, suggestions were made for a more inclusive approach to inspection practices.
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