Designing an E-Mentoring Application for School Administrators and Investigating its Effects

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  • Hamdi Turan Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü



Mentoring, e-mentoring, school administrator, professional development


This study aims to describe the support for professional development among school administrators through the design and implementation of an e-mentoring platform. A qualitative research approach using a case study design was employed. The research involved the participation of 13 school administrators working within the Ministry of Education. The study commenced with a comprehensive literature review on e-mentoring. Subsequently, a questionnaire was administered to the participants, and the received responses were carefully analyzed to inform the design of an e-mentoring platform. Following the implementation of the e-mentoring application, the perspectives of school administrators were gathered, and the research was concluded. Content analysis was employed for the data analysis of the collected information. E-mentoring has become an integral part of educational systems in many countries worldwide. Conducting a study that encompasses the planning, implementation, and evaluation of an e-mentoring program for school administrators is anticipated to provide significant contributions to the field. It is believed that the e-mentoring application can offer support in addressing the professional challenges faced by school administrators serving in different regions of the country.


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How to Cite

Turan, H. (2023). Designing an E-Mentoring Application for School Administrators and Investigating its Effects. Toplum, Eğitim Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 132–145.