The Effect of Constructivist Teaching Methods Applied in Vocational Courses on Prospective Teachers' Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis Study
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Teacher professional knowledge courses, Innovative methods, AttitudeAbstract
With the emergence and widespread adoption of constructivist learning, the importance of utilizing teaching methods and techniques in education has increased. In teacher education, there is a growing significance in teaching these methods and techniques, particularly in courses related to teaching principles and methods, introduction to education, educational psychology, instructional technologies, assessment and evaluation, and classroom management. Prospective teachers are being taught constructivist learning methods in these subject areas, and their application is expected when they practice the teaching profession. Literature includes studies that approach the teaching of these methods to teacher candidates with a practical understanding, applying constructivist-based methods in the instruction of teacher education courses, and investigating their effectiveness.
Aims of this research to gather the findings of studies that investigate the effectiveness of teaching methods based on the constructivist approach, which are implemented in the professional knowledge courses of education faculties, through a meta-analysis method. The findings reveal that the implementation of constructivist-based practices in professional knowledge courses results in a 0.495 standard deviation increase in the attitudes of teacher candidates. As moderator variables, the research also examines the variations in attitude increase based on the professional knowledge course where the studies were conducted, the years of the studies, the department of the teacher candidates, the subject where the method was applied, and the grade level. Furthermore, it explores the changes in student attitudes resulting from the implementation of methods based on the constructivist approach in teacher education, emphasizing a significant increase in student attitudes in professional knowledge courses that use constructivist-based methods.
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