Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Social-Emotional Problems in Gifted Children
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Bibliometrics, web of science, gifted children, social-emotional problemsAbstract
The aim of this study is to perform a bibliometric analysis of research focused on social-emotional concerns of gifted children. The research employed the case study approach, which is one of the qualitative research methodologies. Data was gathered from Clarivate Analytics’ WoS database, covering the period between 1967 and 2022. Studies on the social and emotional issues of gifted individuals were classified into WoS categories such as nation, year of publication, number of publications, language of publishing, type of publication, published journals, articles, and institutions and funding involved in the publication process. The number of articles on this topic has increased since 2005, indicating growing interest in the field of exceptional abilities over time. The increase can be attributed to the diverse approach to each subject and individual during the developmental age, as well as the fact that the impact of gifted individuals, although they represent a small percentage of the population, is becoming more prominent compared to that of the general population. Anaylses show that giftedness studies are mostly appear under special education and educational psychology and that the US continues to stay a the major influencer in the field.
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