Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi <p>Dünyada insani, sosyal, kültürel ve pedagojik sorunların giderek arttığı bir dönemde yayın hayatına başlayan <strong>Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları </strong><strong>Dergisi (Journal of Society, Education and Cultural Research) (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN: 2979-9929</a>)</strong>; genelde toplum, özelde ise eğitim ve kültür kavramları ekseninde akademik yayınlar yapmayı, bu alanlarda mevcut durum ve yaşanan sorunlarla ilgili yapılan bilimsel çalışmaları geniş toplum kesimleriyle buluşturmayı amaç edinmiştir.</p> <p><strong>Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları (TEKA)</strong> <strong>Dergisi;</strong> uluslararası, çok disiplinli, çift kör hakemli bir dergidir ve açık erişim olarak yayımlanır.</p> <p>Dergi; toplum, eğitim ve kültür alanlarında Türkçe ve İngilizce yapılan çalışmaların ve araştırma bulgularının yayımlanması amacıyla kurulmuştur.<br /><br /><strong>Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi;</strong> Nisan, Ağustos ve Aralık ayları olmak üzere yılda üç kez yayımlanır.</p> Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN en-US Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2979-9929 Perceived Social Support and Attachment Styles In the Prediction of Adolescent Subjective Well-being <p>The aim of this study is to examine the role of attachment style and perceived social support levels on adolescents' subjective well-being levels. Another aim of the study is to examine the effects of gender variable on attachment style, social support and subjective well-being levels. For these purposes, data were collected from a total of 706 adolescent participants, including 336 girls (47.6%), 362 boys (51.3%) and 8 (1.1%) participants who did not specify their gender between the ages of 14-17. Adolescent Subjective Well-Being Scale, Three-Dimensional Attachment Styles Scale and Perceived Social Support Scale Revision (ASDS-R) were used as data collection tools. The role of gender, attachment styles and perceived social support on subjective well-being levels was examined using hierarchical regression analysis with the data obtained at the end of the data collection process. According to the findings of the study, it was determined that gender, attachment styles and perceived social support variables significantly predicted subjective well-being; with the inclusion of perceived social support in the model, it made a significant contribution of 17% to the total explained variance. In the light of the findings obtained from the study, it is seen that there is a positive and significant correlation between subjective well-being and secure attachment style, a negative and significant correlation with anxious-anxious attachment style, and no significant relationship with avoidant attachment style. It was also found that subjective well-being showed a significant difference according to gender. The results of the study were discussed in the light of the relevant literature in the context of adolescents and various suggestions were made to practitioners and researchers.</p> Gamze Şenbay Gürhan Can Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 15 26 10.5281/zenodo.11095085 Administration of School, Environment and Parent Relations <p>The school, as a part of the environment, is an institution that exists for society and the environment. The relations of schools with the environment and parent are becoming increasingly important. Since the current education systems of countries will affect the future of the country in the fields of industry, technology, science, agriculture, health, etc., all institutions, organizations and sectors of the country can be considered as the environment of the school. For a qualified school, environment and parent co-operation, both the parent and the school should know their roles and responsibilities. For a qualified co-operation, families and schools have separate responsibilities, families and schools have common responsibilities, families and schools have sequential responsibilities. It is necessary to ensure a strong home-school co-operation and parent involvement in achieving the goals of education and training. When the task of parental involvement at home is fulfilled, parental involvement in the supportive educational process at home helps teachers to facilitate the process more efficiently. When parental involvement in the school is ensured, parents will have a desire to continue to be involved and a sense of ownership of the school. The school principal has different roles and responsibilities for school-environment relations. These roles and responsibilities start with pioneering parent-teacher-environment relations. In a quality education process, schools should have educators who are socially just, inclined to build relationships as part of democratic schools and value dialogue and power sharing. Alliances based on mutual respect should be formed between families and community groups. Parent involvement is an important element for the quality education of children. Both the teacher and the parent have different roles, duties and responsibilities in quality school and parent co-operation. This process will provide many advantages when it is carried out in co-operation and mutually. Qualified and effective school-parent cooperation increases the student's attitude, behavior and mental development, skills and success. In addition, an effective cooperation will improve teacher-parent relations, create a sharing and decision-making climate in the school, increase the job satisfaction of the teacher, ensure the voluntary and active participation of parents in the activities of the school, parents will feel positive feelings towards the school and increase their interest in school and education.</p> Zeki Öğdem Emre Sönmez Onur Ülker Ferit Demirbağ Murat Söylemez Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 27 37 10.5281/zenodo.11095089 The Delusion of Quality Life in the Context of Globalizing Culture <p>In this study, the aim is to determine how individu-als’ consumption behaviors are affected by the use of social media in a globalizing culture and how this in-teraction is associated with the relationship between educational institutions and production. The most important feature of globalization is that information and image communication are fast and intense. Indi-viduals generally tend to imitate someone in a higher social class than themselves. Today, as a result of this tendency to imitate, individuals get caught up in a consumption frenzy. They believe that they have in-creased their status with this consumption frenzy on social media. However, this status offers them a fake life. Today’s individuals mistakenly see this fake life as real. This delusional state leads them into misery. Ed-ucational institutions cannot provide a solution to this situation of today’s individuals. While schools teach moral values and present individuals who demon-strate them as role models, the media rewards so-ciety for those who do the opposite. For this reason, individuals, in contradiction, take as role models the people highlighted by the media and approved by society. In conclusion, we emphasize that real hap-piness is possible by giving importance to local life without rejecting the global world. We suggest that with this approach, individuals will develop a produc-tive identity and experience true happiness.</p> Hasan Özder Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 38 49 10.5281/zenodo.11095099 Transported Education and Students’ Perspective on Transported Education <p>The students in education institutions whose population is less than or not suitable for education are called education institu-tions which must carry out the activities of education by carry-ing out the day of the Union in selected centers. Many years of combined class practice in Türkiye and still continue to sample these schools have led to various scientific studies.The results of the studies revealed some results related to the failure in these schools. Tekişik(1968) causes of failure, teachers ‘ inability to plan the lessons well,method-technique uncertainty, teacher candi-dates can not be trained to manage the combined classroom, in-spection system defects, the number of students, building, course and equipment shortage, environmental factors and student dis-continuity in the form of These problems in the schools where Unified Classroom practice is applied and the students who have no school, population in small and dispersed residential units of primary education to provide better quality education opportu-nities, in order to ensure equality of opportunity in education, to benefit from eight-year compulsory and uninterrupted primary education for each student in equal terms, elementary schools have been established with the move of the students to the pri-mary schools chosen as the center of primary education with the move of the Union on the day. Dispersed settlements due to the geographical structure of the country, intensive migration observed in some regions, on the one hand, while striving to improve the quality of education, on the other hand, the rea-sons such as reduction of education costs necessitated carrying out education in Turkey.Transportation education is thought to provide equal opportunities for students living in rural areas in terms of transportation and education to school. Although it has advantages, various problems arise in the education process.This study gives an overview of the process of transportation of the students who are studying at the Karaisali District Entertainment Martyrs Secondary School in the 2018-2019 academic will be processed.</p> Kenan Güler Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 50 63 10.5281/zenodo.11095113 Sending Workers and Students from China to France and from Turkey to Germany during the First World War <p>Sending students to foreign countries and bringing experts and teachers from there were among the basic education movements of all developing countries in the 19th century. Students were generally sent to Europe and America and later to Japan; Experts and teachers were also brought from there. Two similar events were observed during the First World War in the history of China and the Ottoman Empire, which shared similar fates in the early 20th century. China sent many students, workers and student workers, especially to France. The Ottoman Empire also sent many students and workers-students to its war partner, Germany. The endings of these projects, which were completed when the war ended, were similar to each other. Thousands of workers and students returned disappointed, without completing their education in a foreign country, without earning money or learning anything. Both countries eventually resulted in participation in far-left political movements and the establishment of communist parties that later developed in their home countries. As for the differences of the movement, most of the students sent from Turkey to Germany were the children of the princes, the civilian and military officials who were already at high levels in the country, and the rich. On the contrary, those sent from China to France were poor children. Those who were sent as workers were sent from China as full workers under contract, while orphanage children were generally sent from Turkey as apprentices. Both projects had to be terminated with the end of the First World War before reaching their goals.</p> Mustafa Ergün Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 1 14 10.5281/zenodo.11095077 Eğitim Liderliği: Temel Zorluklar ve Etik Gerilimler <p>The book "Educational Leadership: Key Challenges and Ethical Tensions," written by Patrick Duignan and published by Cambridge University Press in 2007, aims to provide a practical way for educational leaders to analyze the challenges they face and the ethical tensions they encounter, offering a new approach based on the development of leadership skills to help leaders enhance their ability to make ethical decisions.</p> <p>Duignan provides practical methods for education leaders to understand ethical issues. Additionally, he emphasizes topics such as social justice, diversity, equality, and democracy, highlighting the importance of justice, equality, and collaboration-focused leadership. By emphasizing authentic leadership, he argues that leaders with strong moral values should create a work environment based on trust and open communication.</p> <p>The author identifies key areas for research in educational leadership and discusses topics such as the impact of ethical leadership on student achievement and school culture. He also explores methods for promoting an ethical decision-making culture among personnel and stakeholders and suggests examining different methods to evaluate the effectiveness of leadership training programs.</p> <p>However, he notes some drawbacks of the book, such as conceptual definition deficiencies, and suggests that readers should research fundamental concepts. The book focuses on case studies to facilitate self-reflection among educational leaders by comparing their own experiences. The book provides educational leaders with an opportunity for self-assessment in ethical decision-making.</p> Mustafa Feyyaz Çetin Copyright (c) 2024 Toplum, Eğitim ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 3 1 64 69 10.5281/zenodo.11095103